Category / Knowledge Transfer Partnership

Innovate UK visit- Health & Care at Innovate UK and Mini-STEAMLab 30/5/18

The M3 Network welcomes Chris Sawyer, Innovation Lead for Health & Care at Innovate UK, to speak at Bournemouth University on the 30th of May, 2018, 12:00-14:00. This event is an opportunity to gain not only information about Innovate UK and funding opportunities but to discuss the challenges facing health and care technology innovation.
Following the presentation there will be lunch and a facilitated workshop designed to bring forward ideas from academic and industry collaboration.
Academics from the M3 network and those from industry working with health and care technology are encouraged to attend. To book onto this session please e-mail with your name and organisation.

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships: An Industrial Strategy Update

In line with the Industrial Strategy White Paper released last week, Innovate UK have announced further updates to their KTP programme.

These updates relate to competition deadlines.  The Innovate UK priority area competitions were introduced as themed deadlines for KTP this year and some recent changes to the expected deadlines for the rest of this financial year have been released. .

The competition order for deadlines is now as follows:

  • 31st January 2018 – Infrastructure Systems AND Manufacturing & Materials
  • 7th February 2018 – Open call
  • 14th March 2018 – Emerging & Enabling Technologies AND Health & Life Sciences
  • April 2018 – Open call

As a reminder, an additional £300m has been added to the KTP budget for this financial year, so if you’re thinking of applying and have a business to partner with, now is a great time to push forward.

Please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser with any KTP ideas.


RKEDF Event: Innovate UK – A guide to funding

Date: Tuesday 28th November

Time: 10.00-11.00

Venue: Bournemouth House

Innovate UK provides funding for innovative projects in the UK.  Our local Knowledge Transfer Adviser from Innovate UK will be providing us with a guide to funding from Innovate UK and also information on the Knowledge Transfer Networks around the UK.

Refreshments will be provided.

To book your space, please contact

For further information, please contact Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser.

Increased funding for KTP – now is a great time to apply

Yesterday, Jo Johnson announced a further £30m investment in to Knowledge Transfer Partnerships to to help grow UK businesses.

This is expected to fund an additional 200 KTP projects above and beyond the usual 300 KTP projects funded per year.

For further information on KTP or to talk through project ideas, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser.



RKEDF Event Reminder – Engaging with a Business Audience – 22nd June

We have three spaces left for the next RKEDF Working with Business pathway event.

Join us next week on Thursday 22nd June for an event dedicated to colleagues who are interested in working with business audiences.

Held off-site at the Marriott Hotel in Bournemouth, this event aims to focus on developing your personal skills where key learning outcomes are: communication, persuasion, influence within a business engagement context.

This event is ideal for colleagues who wish to work with industry on projects such as contract research or KTP.

To find out more, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser on 01202 961347 or email

To book your place, please email

RKEDF – Working with Business Pathway – Influencing and Persuading

As part of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework, RKEO are hosting a one-day workshop for academics who are interested in working with business audiences.

Held off-site in Bournemouth from 9am-4.30pm on Thursday 22nd June, this workshop aims to focus on developing your personal skills where key learning outcomes are: communication, persuasion, influence and engaging with business.

This workshop is ideal for academics who wish to work with industry on projects such as contract research or KTP.

To find out more, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) on 01202 961347 or email

To book your place, please email

RKEDF – Working with Business Pathway – Engaging with a Business Audience: Communication and Networking

The Research and Knowledge Exchange Office, together with the Service Excellence team,  have put together a half-day development event for academic colleagues who wish to engage with organisations.

This activity takes place daily across the Institution, however if you are interested in learning about how to communicate and network with a business audience including developing relationships, this half-day development event will provide you with tools to

Refreshments and lunch is included.

Venue: Fusion Building, Talbot Campus

Date: Thursday 1st June

Time: 9am-1pm

For further information, please contact Rachel Clarke, Knowledge Exchange Adviser (KTP and Student Projects) on 61347 or email  

To book your space, please contact 

Emerging & Enabling Technologies funding, news & events

Innovate UK have shifted their focus to build on  momentum to accelerate sector growth. To  achieve this, in terms of innovation funding,  a number of  sectors are being addressed including Emerging and Enabling Technologies. These include:
  • Electronics
  • Sensors
  • Phototonics
  • ICT
  • Quantum Technolgies
  • Forensic Science

KTP calls are also refelecting these sectors.

There are a number of ways in which you can keep up to date with what is happening in these areas providing up-to-date information on funding opportuntites, news and events happening.

Useful information :

Innovate UK Delivery Plan 2016/2017 (Page 12 more information on the key sectors)

Knowledge Transfer Networks – stay connected

RKEDF Workshop – Innovate UK: A Guide to Funding

rkeo-dev-logo-squareAs part of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework, RKEO are holding a workshop for academics to learn more about funding opportunities from Innovate UK.  This workshop will be led by our local Innovate UK KTP Adviser and the will be talking about various Innovate UK funding opportunities.  There will also be a drop-in session for one-to-one advice.

Venue: Talbot Campus

Date: Friday 9th December 2016

Time: 10.00-12.00

Book your space by contacting Organisational Development.

For further information, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser.

Business Engagement and Networking


The aim of the ‘Working with Business’ pathway is to develop your skills to connect with the business community including networking, identifying project funding – including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and building project teams involving businesses.

You will have the opportunity to hear from both internal and external speakers as to how they have developed networks to facilitate collaborations and engage with the university.

The next session: “Business engagement and networking” will be running on Wednesday 2 November from 2.00pm – 4.00pm and bookings are being taken now.

If you want to put your networking skills to the test there are a number of events running during November that involve the chance to meet with external organisations during the Festival of Social Science and Festival of Enterprise.

Please feel free to contact Jayne Codling or Rachel Clarke if you have any questions regarding knowledge exchange at BU. Both Jayne and Rachel are based within RKEO.

This session forms part of the Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Framework.  Please see previous blog posts in the Development Framework for information on the separate pathways. rkeo-rke-working-with-business





Knowledge Transfer Partnerships – Submission deadlines

After this next KTP submission deadline on 7th September 2016, there is one further deadline in 2016 – 2nd November 2016.

Various aspects of the KTP submission and approval process have changed over the past few months and for a breakdown of what these changes are, please take a look here.

Future KTP submission deadlines for your planning are:

  • 18th January 2017
  • 8th March 2017

If you have any KTP ideas that you’d like support with, please contact Rachel Clarke, KE Adviser on 61347.


Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Framework: Working with Business Pathway

The Research and Knowledge Exchange (RKE) Framework: Working with Business pathway focuses on developing interactions with a business audience.  Please see previous blog posts in the Development Framework for information on the separate pathways.

The aim of the ‘Working with Business’ pathway is to develop your skills to connect with the business community including networking, identifying project funding – including Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and building project teams involving businesses.  Sessions have been planned with these key areas as a focus.

Further information on this pathway will appear on the OD website including booking links over the summer.  Updates on this pathway and the wider RKE Development Framework will appear on the BU research blog.

Technology in the hands

Working with Students’ Unions for Widening Participation


The Fair Access Research project is having a busy summer! Hot on the heals of the powerful workshop Visible Students/Invisible Needs, we’ve been working with SUBU on the Partnerships for Widening Participation project.

This week we filmed some video clips with our new full-time officers and colleagues from across the university. Next week we’ve invited experts from the HE sector to come and participate in a workshop exploring why working with Students’ Unions matters for widening participation.

We are trying to nurture a culture of solidarity, trust and care to help transform what higher education looks like. 

invisible students

We want to explore how the sector is working and learning together for widening participation research, policy and practice. We’ve designed a survey to find out how the policies and ideas of widening participation are being learnt and lived in different organisations.

Feel free to share this survey with colleagues working in all areas of higher education. If you want to know more about the survey, get in touch with Maggie  or Alex.

Thank you to everyone who has supported the Fair Access Research project through the year.

For more information about the Fair Access Research project please email the Principle Investigators, Dr Vanessa Heaslip and Dr Clive Hunt.