Category / policy

This part of the blog features news and information about higher education policy and how BU’s research is influencing policy.

Women in the Armed Forces

The Defence Committee are particularly keen for academics to contribute to their inquiry into Women in the Armed Forces The inquiry focuses on the experiences of Women in the Armed Forces, from recruitment through to employment, and (for those who leave) their transition to civilian life. The Committee is currently accepting written evidence submissions for this… Read more »

Recruiting : University Rep to co-lead Research Staff Association

A vacancy has arisen for one of the two posts of University Representative, the leaders of the Research Staff Association. This is not a faculty-specific post, any eligible person from any faculty can apply. The BU Research Staff Association (RSA) is a forum to promote research culture at BU. Research staff from across BU are… Read more »

10 things you need to know about the BU Financial Regulations and RKE

Please read the following 10 things you need to know about the BU Financial Regulations in relation to research and knowledge exchange (RKE). 1. The purpose of the BU Financial Regulations is to provide control over university resources, ensuring the resources are being properly applied to achieve the university’s objectives. They provide practical guidance on… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 8th January 2021

Happy New Year! We’re back into busy times, to keep things manageable for colleagues we will try and keep our updates focussed on the main news and keep the wider interest elements short on commentary, with links that can be followed for more detail. What’s in store for 2021 A New Year often sees predictions… Read more »

Net Zero

The Think Tank Onward have published its latest research report, Getting to zero, which marks the launch of a major cross-party programme of research  to understand the political and practical challenges to achieving net zero by 2050, and to develop policies to help people and places who may be disrupted in the transition. You can read the full… Read more »

Call for evidence – sport and recreation

The House of Lords Select Committee have called for evidence on a National Plan for Sport and Recreation. The Committee are considering the effectiveness of current sport and recreation policies and initiatives, how people can be encouraged to lead more active lifestyles and the case for a national plan for sport and recreation.  They are keen… Read more »

HE policy update for the w/e 17th December 2020

HE finances, a tidal wave of regulatory consultations and information from the OfS, and the Minister responds to student questions.  Wishing all our readers a lovely break and a happy new year! Latest government COVID news and guidance Of course we will have an update from Jim if there is local news that we need… Read more »

Call for researchers with disabilities to engage with Parliament

Parliament aims to diversify the voices heard from the research community. Researchers with disabilities are under-represented in engagement with Parliament and the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) is aiming to change this. (Note – they cover all disciplines not just science and technology.)  In February 2021 POST are running online discussion groups to… Read more »

Inquiry into Digital Trade and Data

The International Trade Committee has announced a new inquiry into Digital Trade and Data. It also pertains to the exchange and movement of data across organisations. The Committee’s inquiry will explore a range of issues, including digital trade and data provisions in Free Trade Agreements, concerns around the security and privacy of data, the environmental impact of digital trade, and the… Read more »

Biological science expert wanted to advice UKRI

An opportunity for an expert in biological sciences or biopharma to provide advice and guidance on UKRI’s long-term investment priorities for research and innovation infrastructure. The role as an Infrastructure Advisory Committee (IAC) member would involve supporting the cross-UKRI Infrastructure Fund. The primary role will be to give advice and make recommendations on the fund’s investment priorities to… Read more »

HE Policy Update for the w/e 10th December 2020

We’re awash with experimental statistics this week! So far it looks as though Covid hasn’t resulted in mass (early) drop outs. There’s more detail on the Lifetime Skills Guarantee and the Education committee has been grilling the Minister on exams. Sustainability The Higher Education Policy Institute (HEPI) has published a report Beyond business as usual:… Read more »

Policy Influence Opportunity – Forestry, land management & environmental

Call for potential oral witnesses for EFRA Committee tree planting inquiry The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee secretariat is looking for potential oral witnesses for the Committee’s inquiry into Tree Planting and Woodlands. please see the background to the inquiry and Call for Evidence for further information. The Committee would be particularly interested to hear from researchers with expertise in… Read more »

HE Policy Update for the w/e 3rd December 2020

The Government has announced the requirements for universities to prepare plans for students to return to campus safely in January, flexibilities for 2021 level 2/3 exams have been confirmed, there’s a new report about higher technical education, and the attainment and continuation gap for estranged students is of concern. Parliamentary News Local Rebels: The Government… Read more »

Experts needed for Scientific Advisory positions

Food Standards Agency – Invitation to join the Independent Scientific Advisory Council. The Food Standards Agency is looking for committed, highly capable and motivated individuals to become members of their Scientific Advisory Committees and Science Council. Members will help ensure food produced or sold in the UK is safe, providing independent expert assessment of risks arising in… Read more »

HE Policy Update for the w/e 27th November 2020

The spending review was quiet on HE and heavier on research spending commitments. A UUK publication tackles racial harassment in HE and the OIA provides examples of what will and won’t be upheld from student Covid complaints. We wonder about the TEF.  See you in December! Driving home for Christmas? Today’s news is all about… Read more »