Tagged / ROS

Release of the beta version of RCUK’s Gateway to Research

 Research Councils UK (RCUK) is due to release a beta version of the ‘Gateway to Research’ portal imminently to give the public better access to information about research funded by the Research Councils.

Gateway to Research aims to provide a mechanism for businesses and other interested parties to identify potential partners in universities to develop and commercialise knowledge, and maximise the impact of publicly funded research. It is being developed as part of the BIS Innovation and Research Strategy, published in December 2011.

The beta Gateway to Research contains information such as who, what and where the Research Councils fund, as well as details about the outcomes, outputs and impact from research, linking to already available open access repositories and data catalogues.

The information contained within the Gateway to Research beta version is a fixed snapshot of available information on research. It contains real data from grants across all seven Research Councils, awarded from 2006 onwards, that is already held in data sources such as RCUK’s Research Outcomes System (ROS) (please see the Principles of Use document for more details) and ResearchFish. Therefore the data is not new – Gateway to Research brings the information together in one place. Any updates and additional information about research need to be made in data sources – they cannot be made directly on Gateway to Research.

Updates made in data sources will not update the beta system automatically as this will initially be a manual process and it may take some time. Over the next year, RCUK will be building the infrastructure to ensure that the data will be routinely updated once the final live system is launched at the end of 2013. Updates to output data will then be reflected in Gateway to Research after they have been submitted.

RCUK need your feedback

The beta version has gone through robust technical testing and is close in look, feel and function to how RCUK envisage the final product. However, it is important that they ensure the data it delivers and its functionality meets the needs of its users.

RCUK are therefore calling on people to use and interrogate the beta site and provide feedback to RCUK on their experience to inform the development of Gateway to Research over the next year. They would like to encourage third parties to investigate innovative ways that the data can be used and shared to take it to a broader audience.

You can access the beta Gateway to Research at http://gtr.rcuk.ac.uk/ . It is currently password protected but it will be publicly available for you to use when it is officially released within the next few days (on or around 12 December 2012).

Please email your feedback to gateway@rcuk.ac.uk .

Updating information about your research

Colleagues within BU are aware of the process for updating information about the outcomes and outputs of their research, through ROS and ResearchFish.  If you require more information then please refer to the ‘Principles of Use’ document above or visit RCUK’s web site to find out what ROS is, how it works, and how it can benefit you.

If you have any further questions, please email gateway@rcuk.ac.uk or contact individual Research Councils for information on specific areas of research.

Research Outcomes System (ROS) – AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC & ESRC – Reminder

  Following on from previous blogs, I wanted to remind you that the deadline for submitting research outcomes to the Research Outcomes System (ROS) is Monday 30 April 2012

ROS is the web-based system through which the holders of grants awarded by AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC and ESRC are required to report the research outcomes resulting from those grants.  ROS is available all year round for submitting research outcomes, but every January to March (extended to April in this first year) we will be conducting an annual exercise to encourage submissions.  For this first collection period outcomes should be submitted for grants that are currently in ROS and:

  • started more than 12 months ago, or
  • have ended, but a final report has not been submitted, or
  • a final report has been submitted and relevant information has been transferred to ROS by a Research Council on your behalf.

The Research Councils are working to transfer all relevant final report information into ROS. If you have already completed a final report, please wait until that information is in ROS before adding any new or additional outcomes. Individual Research Councils will contact you when this information is ready to review in ROS.

ROS is available at www.rcuk.ac.uk/researchoutcomes and you can log-in using your Je-S account details.

A set of frequently asked questions and a number of video tutorials about ROS and how to use it are available on our website here. If you would like any further information or have any questions, please email us at: researchoutcomes@rcuk.ac.uk

Research Outcomes System (ROS) – AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC & ESRC

Over the last three months, four Research Councils (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC and ESRC) have been working to collect research outcomes through the Research Outcomes System (ROS).  This system replaces the ESRC’s data collection system, “manage my grant”.  NERC are continuing with their own system for this year’s data collection but will move over to ROS for 2013.  The aim of this system is to collect outputs from projects as they go along, and provide a central repository for information on the impact and importance of research.

ROS is available all year round for submitting research outcomes, but every January to March RCUK will be conducting an annual exercise to encourage submissions. For this first collection period (Jan – Mar 2012) outcomes should be submitted for grants that are currently in ROS by Monday 30th April and:

  • started more than 12 months ago, or
  • have ended, but a final report has not been submitted, or
  • a final report has been submitted and relevant information has been transferred to ROS by a Research Council on your behalf.

The Research Councils are working to transfer all relevant final report information into ROS. If you have already completed a final report, please wait until that information is in ROS before adding any new or additional outcomes. Individual Research Councils will contact you when this information is ready to review in ROS.

ROS is available at www.rcuk.ac.uk/researchoutcomes and you can log-in using your standard Je-S account details.

A set of frequently asked questions and a number of video tutorials about ROS and how to use it are available on the website here. If you would like any further information or have any questions, please email: researchoutcomes@rcuk.ac.uk


RCUK launches the ROS!

Last month Anita posted on the blog about the forthcoming RCUK Research Outcomes System (ROS) due to be launched imminently. That time has now come and the system is now live!

As of this week the ROS goes live for grant holders of AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC and EPSRC awards. The MRC and STFC are using the e-Val system and at present NERC is currently continuing to use its Research Outputs Database (ROD) until a decision has been reached regarding which collection system to replace it with. This week RCUK will be emailing all PIs of live awards with AHRC, ESRC and EPSRC to launch the ROS.

The ROS is a website that allows users to provide information about research outcomes to four Research Councils – AHRC, BBSRC, ESRC and EPSRC. Outcomes are categorised into nine areas:

  • Publications
  • Other Research Outputs
  • Collaboration/Partnership
  • Further Funding
  • Staff Development
  • Dissemination/Communication
  • IP and Exploitation
  • Award/Recognition
  • Impact

The Research Councils will use the information to inform their analysis of research investments.

The ROS will be available at www.rcuk.ac.uk/researchoutcomes and you can log-in using your Je-S account details.

A number of us in the R&KEO have viewed a demonstration of the new system and are able to help / advise as necessary. The system is fairly intuitive and RCUK have produced some good online guidance (recorded demonstrations or written help sheets), but do let me know if you have any questions and we’ll be happy to help.

Responsibility for updating the ROS lies with the PI, although Co-Is should also have access to update joint grants. The Research Councils will be undertaking an audit of how the ROS is being used in March 2012 so we will be looking at the system at the end of January 2012 to see the level of engagement and offering help where necessary.

Some key features of the ROS are as follows:

  • Outcomes can be inputted at any time during the lifetime of a grant and beyond, not just at the end as with a final report.
  • Existing data can be uploaded from HEIs own research information systems, therefore minimising the burden of having to re-submit information to the Research Councils. (We are currently investigating how best to do this at BU using the new publications management system BRIAN).
  • A bulk upload option allows multiple outcomes for multiple grant holders to be inputted at the same time, therefore saving time and effort.
  • HEIs will have access to the information submitted by grant holders from their institution to the ROS.
  • Access to ROS can be delegated to any other Je-S registered users, including joint investigators or co-investigators, and research managers.
  • Outcomes can be attributed to funding from more than one Research Council.
  • The ROS takes account of and, where possible, accommodates the reporting requirements of other bodies, for example the UK Funding Councils’ Research Excellence Framework (REF) and Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) data returns.

You can read more about the ROS on the RCUK website here (including a set of excellent FAQs): http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/research/Pages/ResearchOutcomesProject.aspx