Category / BU research

New Ageing & Dementia Research Centre opens for business


A new Ageing & Dementia Research Centre (ADRC) has launched at Bournemouth University (BU), bringing together cross-Faculty expertise in the areas of dementia and ageing. At a time when our population is living longer, often with long-term medical conditions including dementia, the centre’s research is likely to have a significant impact on theory, education and professional practice.

The aim of ADRC is to use the team’s collective expertise to develop person-centred research which will improve the lives of people with dementia and their families. Their research falls under three broad categories – developing ageing & dementia friendly environments, nutrition & wellbeing and activity & social inclusion. Each topic builds on a wealth of research knowledge and projects already taking place at BU.

The ADRC will be led by Professor Jane Murphy and Professor Jan Wiener, supported by staff and students from the Faculty of Health & Social Sciences and the Faculty of Science & Technology.

For more information about their work see the centre’s web page or email Michelle O’Brien if you’re interested in finding out more about a particular project.

The team are currently working on the following funded research projects:

  1. Dementia-friendly architecture: Reducing spatial disorientation in dementia care homes. A two year funded project conducting innovative research using virtual reality technology and eye tracking to simulate unfamiliar care home environments. Knowledge gained as a result of the project will help to create dementia-friendly architectural guidelines for use in the design of care homes for people with Alzheimer’s Disease. The project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). Staff involved: Professor Jan Wiener and Dr Ramona Grzeschik.
  2. Eating and drinking well: Supporting people living with dementia. Understanding how nutrition, exercise and other lifestyle factors impact upon quality of life, wellbeing and the progression of dementia to inform new innovative approaches for prevention and management of dementia including new educational models and assistive technology. Funded by the Burdett Trust. Staff involved: Professor Jane Murphy and Joanne Holmes.
  3. TAi ChI for people with demenTia (TACIT trial). A three year funded project to conduct a phase II randomised controlled trial to test the benefit of Tai Chi for people living with dementia living in the community. Funded by the National Institute for Research (NIHR) as a Career Development Fellowship. Staff involved: Dr Samuel Nyman.
  4. Using serious games to support the quality of life of people with dementia. A European funded project in collaboration with Alzheimer’s Valencia, Alzheimer’s Greece, Alzheimer’s Slovenia and Alzheimer’s Romania and Instituto de Biomecanica de Valencia (IBV), exploring the use of gaming activities for people with dementia and their care partners. Funded by ERASMUS+. Staff involved: Dr Ben Hicks, Professor Jan Wiener and Professor Wen Tang.
  5. Using graffiti to explore identity in people with dementia. Exploring the use of graffiti to explore identity in people with dementia and their care partners. Funded by British Psychological Society (BPS). Staff involved: Dr Shanti Shanker and Dr Ben Hicks.
  6. Dementia Education And Training through Simulation2 programme (DEALTS2). National delivery of Higher Education England (HEE) Tier 2 training programme across all 13 Health Education England (HEE) regions of UK. Funded by HEE. Staff involved: Professor Jane Murphy, Dr Michele Board and Dr Michelle Heward.

Dr. Masi Fathi appointed to the board of Sociological Research Online

SROCongratulations to Dr. Mastoureh (Masi) Fathi, FHSS Lecturer in Sociology, who has been appointed to the editorial board of Sociological Research Online.  Sociological Research Online is a peer-reviewed online sociology journal looking at current social issues, and it is in its twenty-second year.

Well done!

Prof. Edwin van Teijlingen

Developing a novel self-optimising femtocell network for indoor communication with mobile devices

We would like to invite you to the latest research seminar of the Centre for Games and Music Technology Research.


Speaker: Haseeb Qureshi (Creative Technology PhD Student)


Title:     Developing a novel self-optimising femtocell network for indoor communication with mobile devicesFemtoCell


Time: 2:00PM-3:00PM

Date: Wednesday 15th March 2017

Room: PG11, Poole House, Talbot Campus



The need for a fast and reliable wireless communication system has increased with the development of social and business activities around the world. A promising cost and energy efficient way of meeting the future traffic demands is the idea of very dense deployment of low cost, low power and self-organizing small base stations i.e. Femtocells. Self-configuring, self-optimizing and self-healing base stations have the potential to significantly increase the capacity of mobile cellular networks in the future 5G while reducing their energy consumption. The aim of this research is to consider the integration of Femtocells as Self Optimising Networks for the future communication network. An extensive and thorough research has been carried out to investigate what drawbacks of the existing communication 4G network are and whether Femtocells as a Self-Optimising network can improve the current network. In order to evaluate the algorithms for self-optimising Femtocells that have been proposed by other authors in the existing literature an evaluation criteria has been developed, and a simulating environment has been constructed. The evaluation is performed by measuring the effect that changing parameters has on the output of the environment. From the results of the evaluation a new algorithm to enhance the self-optimisation of the network will be designed and developed in a simulating environment.​


We hope to see you there.

How to Write a 4* Article

mark-reedIn December, Prof Mark Reed, Professor of Socio-Technical Innovation at Newcastle University and the man behind Fast Track Impact, tweeted some thoughts on how to write a 4* paper for the REF. He went on to explain his thinking in more detail in a guest post on the Research Fundementals blog, the post is published here with the authors permission.

How do you write a 4* paper for the Research Excellence Framework (REF)? It is a question I’ve asked myself with some urgency since the Stern Review shredded my REF submission by not allowing me to bring my papers with me this year to my new position at Newcastle University.

Obviously the answer is going to differ depending on your discipline, but I think there are a few simple things that everyone can do to maximize their chances of getting a top graded research output.

I’m going to start with the assumption that you’ve actually done original, significant and rigorous work – if you haven’t then there is no point in reading any further. However, as I am increasingly asked to pre-review papers for colleagues across a range of disciplines, I am seeing examples of people who write up work as a 2* or 3* paper that has the potential to get a better score. I should point out that I believe that there is an important role for 1* and 2* papers, and that I regularly write these on purpose to address a problem of national significance and frame it for the specific, narrow audience that is likely to be able to benefit most from my work. However, whether I like it or not, as a Professor in a research-intensive University, there is an expectation that I will be submitted as a 4* researcher, which means I need a few 4* papers as well.

You can see some more detailed thoughts on what I think makes 4* for different types of paper in this Tweet:

As you’ll see from the discussion under that tweet though, my more detailed thoughts probably only apply to Units of Assessment across panels A-C, and probably isn’t relevant to the arts and humanities.

Having said this, I think there are a number of things we can all do to maximize the chances of our work being viewed favourably by REF panelists.

  1. Write to the criteria: when I was learning to drive, my instructor told me that in the test I should make sure I moved my head when I was looking in the rear view mirror, to make sure the examiner noticed I was using my mirrors. We’re all used to writing to the criteria of funding calls, and in fact we are all perfectly used to writing papers to the criteria of our target journals. In the last REF, research outputs were judged against three criteria: originality, significance and rigour. Whatever the interpretation of these criteria in your discipline, have you made it explicit to REF panelists reading your work exactly what is original, and why it is so original? Have you explained and effectively justified the significance of your work? And have you included evidence that your methods, analysis and interpretation is rigorous, even if you have to use supplementary material to include extra detail about your methods and data to get around journal word limits?
  1. Get REF feedback before you submit your work for publication: find out who is going to be reviewing research outputs for REF internally within your Unit of Assessment at your institution and ask them to review your work before you submit it. They may be able to make recommendations about how you might improve the paper in light of the REF criteria. Sometimes a little bit of extra work on the framing of your research in relation to wider contexts and issues can help articulate the significance of your work, and with additional reading and thinking, you may be able to position your work more effectively in relation to previous work to demonstrate its originality more clearly. Adding a few extra details to your methods and results may re-assure readers and reviewers that your approach is indeed rigorous. This is not just about doing world-leading research; it is about demonstrating to the world that your work is indeed world-leading. For me, these criteria are nothing new and are worth paying attention to, whether or not we are interested in REF. Meeting these three criteria will increase the chances that you get through peer-review and will increase the likelihood that your work gets cited.
  1. Analyse and discuss good practice in your own area: the only way to really “get your eye in” for REF is to actually look at examples of good and poor practice in your own area. Below, I’ve described how you can design an exercise to do this with your colleagues. You can do it yourself and learn a lot, but from my own experience, you learn a lot more by doing this as a discussion exercise with colleagues who work in your area. If you can, take notes from your discussion and try and distill some of the key lessons, so you can learn collectively as a group and more effectively review and support each others’ work.

How to organize a discussion to work out what makes a 4* paper in your area:

  • Identify top scoring institutions for your Unit of Assessment (UOA): download the REF2014 results, filter for your UOA (columns E or F), then filter so it only shows you the outputs (column J), and then filter for 4* (column L), showing only the institutions from your UOA that had the highest percentage of 4* outputs. Now for those institutions, look across the table (columns L-P) to see which has the highest proportion of outputs at either 3* or 4*. For example, an institution may have 80% of its outputs graded at 4* and 15% graded at 3*, meaning that 95% of its outputs were graded at 3-4*
  • Download a selection of papers from the top scoring institutions: go to your UOA on the REF website, find and click on the institutions you’ve identified in step 1, under “view submission data”, click on “research outputs”, copy and paste output titles into Google Scholar (or your search engine of choice) and download the articles. You may want to select outputs randomly, or you may want to go through more selectively, identifying outputs that are close to the areas your group specialize in
  • Repeat for low scoring institutions so you can compare and contrast high and low scoring outputs
  • Discuss examples: print copies of the high and low scoring outputs, labeled clearly, and in your next UOA meeting, let everyone choose a high and a low-scoring example. Given them 10-15 minutes to quickly read the outputs (focusing on title, abstract, introduction, figures and conclusions so you’re not there all day) and then ask the group (or small groups if there are many of you) to discuss the key factors that they think distinguish between high and low scoring outputs. Get your group(s) to distill the key principles that they think are most useful and disseminate these more widely to the group, so that anyone who wasn’t present can benefit.

It would be great if I could tell you that these are my “three easy ways to get a 4* paper” but doing work that is genuinely original, significant and rigorous is far from easy. If you have done work that is of the highest quality though, I hope that the ideas I’ve suggested here will help you get the credit you deserve for the great research you’ve done.

Prof. Matthew Bennett – My publication story so far…

writingOn Wednesday 29th March, the Writing Academy will be hosting a Lunchbyte session with Matthew Bennett. During the session Matthew will talk about his personal publishing experience, his approaches to research and writing, his tips on developing a publication strategy and working with co-authors, reviewers and editors. He will talk about all types of publishing from journal articles, to books via edited compilations. Drawing on personal experience, he will also focus on how you target high impact journals.


  • Developing a Publication Strategy
  • Dealing with Co-Editors, Reviewers & Editors
  • Targeting high impact Journal

Click here to book on!

Congratulations to your winners of the 2017 Research Photography Competition!

Bournemouth University researchers have given us a glimpse into some of their fantastic research, for the Research Photography Competition. The competition which ran in its third year challenged BU academics and students to capture the impact of their research in a single image.  Researchers from across BU and all its faculties entered the competition.

Entries to the competition demonstrated some of the research taking place both here at BU and across the globe from forensic investigation, midwifery in Nepal, meeting the identity needs of older people and looked at repairing trust in the service sector.

The competition saw an overwhelming response with close to 1000 votes from BU staff, BU students and the wider BU community.

Vice Chancellor John Vinney congratulated the winners on 9 March in the Atrium Art Gallery.

“It’s been brilliant to be able to announce the winners. There’s a great diversity of winners that really encapsulate the range and impact of research here at BU,” commented Vice Chancellor John Vinney.

Below are your winners:

 1st Place- “This is Me. I am Ron” by Chantel Cox

Chantel Cox, PhD Student, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Chantel is a PhD student from the Faculty of Health and Social Science. She is looking at the cultural processes that underpin healthcare professionals meeting the identity needs of frail older people.

On winning first prize Chantel commented,

“It’s very exciting to win. It’s really good to get your research known about and out there in a different format. I’d like to use photography somehow in my research, so it’s really inspired me.”

2nd Place- The Compound Eye of Calliphora Vomitoria (Bluebottle fly) by Christopher Dwen

Christopher Dwen, Forensic Research Assistant, Faculty of Science & Technology

Christopher is a Forensic Research Assistant from the Faculty of Science & Technology. He’s been looking at the blood feeding activities of flies at crime scenes, as these can often be confounding. These patterns can help in instances of violent assaults.

3rd Place- A Concerted Effort to Repair Trust by Samreen Ashraf 

Samreen Ashraf, Lecturer in Marketing, Faculty of Management

Samreen is a Lecturer in Marketing from the Faculty of Management.

Samreen is a Lecturer in Marketing from the Faculty of Management. Samreen has been looking at the service sector and examining trust repair endeavours from various stakeholders’ perspective related to three different contexts: mis-selling financial services (e.g. PPI); HR issues in the retail sector (e.g. Sports Direct) and safety issues within the leisure sector (e.g. Alton Towers).

All entries from this year’s Research Photography Competition are currently being exhibited in the Atrium Art Gallery until 22 March.

FACETS research featured on MS Society blog


BU’s FACETS project, which focuses on managing fatigue in people with MS has been featured in a blog post by the MS Society.  Fatigue is one of the most commonly reported and debilitating symptoms of MS and can have a real impact on people’s lives.  It’s the main reason why people with MS eventually give up work.

Research from Professor Peter Thomas and Dr Sarah Thomas from BU’s Clinical Research Unit have developed a group based fatigue management programme called FACETS.  The programme helps to equip people with the tools and strategies they need to effectively manage their energy and cope with fatigue.  Below is an expert from the blog.

Mind the gap – getting care and services research to the clinic

It can sometimes take years for research findings to be rolled out in clinics. The gap between clinical trials and the clinic means that people often miss out on services that were developed with them in mind.

We want to make sure that everyone has access to the therapies, services and support that are right for them. And we’re working hard to make sure that happens.

Managing MS fatigue effectively

‘FACETS’ is a group-based fatigue management programme for people with MS. FACETS stands for Fatigue: Applying Cognitive behavioural and Energy effectiveness Techniques to lifeStyle.

During the programme, people learn strategies to help them manage their energy levels more effectively and explore different ways of thinking about fatigue.

The programme was shown to reduce fatigue and improve quality of life for people with MS in a 2013 trial we funded.

Since then we’ve supported the research team to roll out FACETS, via training days for health care professionals so they can deliver the programme in their practices.

Over 200 health professionals have been trained so far. And a recent survey suggested that more than 1,500 people with MS have already attended a FACETS programme.

Dr Sarah Thomas, who developed the programme, said “One of the most rewarding aspects of carrying out this work has been seeing FACETS rolled out into clinics and, we hope, making a difference to people’s lives.”

The blog can be read in full here.

Vernissage and Opening of the Exhibition EMANUEL GOLDBERG – ARCHITECT OF KNOWLEDGE

Vernissage and Opening of the Exhibition EMANUEL GOLDBERG – ARCHITECT OF KNOWLEDGE

at the Museum Technical Collection Dresden, Germany.

curated by Roland Schwarz, Kerstin Stutterheim, Albert Lang, Julia Blume, Rene Patzwald and a group of students from TU Berlin.

On the occasion of the opening the documentary will be shown as special screening premiere Friday and Saturday








THE GOLDBERG-CONDITION — More to see than can be seen

by Kerstin Stutterheim & Niels Bolbrinker

D 2017, 76 min, HD

A poetic search and scouting about a sorrowly nearly forgotten man and his fate. He was a visionary, migrant, Jew, teacher, researcher, inventor, husband, scientist, father, manager, founder, and much more.

In a dialog between memories of his family, a poetic and academic research about him and his importance one can understand not only his importance for the development of visual-optical technique and media but as well how history is influencing biographies and thus, technical and scientific advances.



Research Photography Competition- Your winners announced today!

Find out who you voted to be your winner of 2017’s Research Photography Competition.ResearchPhotographyCompetitionintranet1

Come along today at 2-3pm, in the Atrium Art Gallery, where Vice Chancellor John Vinney will be announcing the three winners.

The Competition is in its third year and saw 26 entries from across all faculties. The images give us just a small glimpse into some of the fantastic work our researchers are doing both here at BU and across the globe. These images will be displayed in the gallery and the researchers  will be on hand to to talk about their research and the inspiration behind their photographs.

If you would like to come along to congratulate the winners please register here. 

Staff and students are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be provided!

Latest Funding Opportunities

The following is a snap-shot of funding opportunities that have been announced. Please follow the links for more information:

Early access to EU referendum data competition

Economic and Social Research Council, GB

This enables researchers to access early EU referendum data to understand why Britain decided to leave the EU.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 13 Mar 17 Closing soon

Industry fellowships

Royal Society, GB

These enable academic scientists to work on collaborative projects with industry, or individuals employed in industry to work on collaborative projects with university departments or non-profit research organisations. Fellowships support a period of up to two years and cover fellows’ basic salary during the secondment as well as research expenses of up to £2,000 per year.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 13 Apr 17

BBSRC enterprise fellowships

Royal Society of Edinburgh, GB

These enable an individual to advance the commercialisation of existing research and outcomes or technological developments, whilst also receiving formal training in relevant business skills, with the objective to increase exploitation of ideas with commercial potential from BBSRC-funded research programmes. Fellowships are tenable for one year, and provide up to £37,000 in salary support and up to £10,000 for direct costs

Maximum award: £47,000

Closing date: 26 Apr 17 (recurring)

Satellite applications catapult – knowledge exchange fellowship

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

This supports proposals that consider the role of satellite applications and services in addressing environmental issues and challenges faced by urban leaders, government organisations, planners or businesses, in towns and cities. The budget is worth £60,000 for salary costs and up to £8,000 for travel and subsistence per year.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 27 Apr 17

Emerging and enabling technologies competition – round 2

Innovate UK, GB

Funding aims identify and invest in new technologies and the underpinning capabilities that improve existing industries by inspiring the products, processes and services of tomorrow. The total budget is worth £15 million. Projects should last between six months and three years and are expected to range in total costs between £35,000 and £2m.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 03 May 17

Parliamentary academic fellowship scheme – open call

Economic and Social Research Council, GB

This enables researchers from different subject areas and at any career stage to forge useful and lasting connections with decision makers in parliament. Successful fellowships will be funded through IAA. Fellowships should have a minimum of one month in duration and not exceed one year.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: 30 Jun 17

Healthcare technologies discipline hopping

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, GB

This provides researchers with an opportunity to spend time in a different research or user environment in order to better understand the need for and potential of research in engineering, physical sciences, mathematical sciences or information and communications technology to have an impact in addressing health challenges. The awards are tenable for between three and 12 months and cover 80 per cent of the salary cost for the principle investigator, travel, subsistence and resources for the specific activities.

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: None

POSTPONED: Public engagement training courses

Natural Environment Research Council, GB

*** This opportunity is temporarily closed. The following information is subject to change. The training is being reviewed and there will be further information to come in early or mid 2017. Courses are free and include overnight accommodation and evening meals between days one and two. ***

Maximum award: Not known

Closing date: Not known

Find more funding opportunities

Search all the latest calls

If you are interested in submitting to any of the above calls you must contact your  RKEO Funding Development Officer with adequate notice before the deadline.

For more funding opportunities that are most relevant to you, you can set up your own personalised alerts on Research Professional. If you need help setting these up, just ask your School’s/Faculty’s Funding Development Officer in  RKEO or view the recent blog post here.

If thinking of applying, why not add notification of your interest on Research Professional’s record of the bid so that BU colleagues can see your intention to bid and contact you to collaborate.


So what?

so whatRKEO have hosted two funder visits in the past three weeks (Interreg and Medical Research Council).  Both funders highlighted the ‘So what?’ principle in terms of research ideas, i.e. what is the consequence of your work; who can benefit from your work in the long-term and what can be done to increase the chances of the work reaching those beneficiaries.  Even if your proposal doesn’t directly address economic or societal impact you should be able to explain the pathway that links your work to – using the example of MRC – improving human health.

In order to describe the impact of your work, keep asking yourself ‘so what?’ or even better, describe your research idea to a colleague (or to take a step further, a member of the public) and get them to ask ‘so what’ at each point when you think you’ve finished explaining. RKEO had another funder visit today, the British Academy, and they used the phrase ‘Try not to be Gollum’, i.e. don’t be precious about your research and invite comments from others, share it and make it interesting.

Being able to fully explain the impact of your research will obviously increase your chances of being successful when applying for external research funds.

impactThere are a vast number of resources available on strengthening your research proposals and developing impact.  Most funders will have guidance on impact, for example, section 2.2.5 of the MRC funder guide provides tips on articulating potential impact.  They may also have impact reports; links to all of the research councils impact reports can be found in the BU research blog’s Research Funder Guide.  BU has an online toolkit to help support the development of your research impact.  The toolkit explores what impact is, how you can go about creating an impact strategy, and looks at some commonly used pathways to impact, as well as examples of outstanding impact case studies.

For more information about impact, please contact the RKEO Knowledge Exchange and Impact Team or if you’re putting an application together and want advice on the impact sections, please contact the RKEO Funding Development Team.

BU Guide to Full Economic Costing

father tedLast year, RKEO revised and re-published the BU guide to full Economic Costing, know as fEC (which some people choose to pronounce in a ‘Father Jack’ style).  The full guide can be found on the BU intranet.

If you are applying for external funding for your research and knowledge exchange activities then you need to read the guide and understand what makes up the costs of a project.  The guide fully explains what fEC is, how it’s calculated, the difference between cost and price, estimating staff time, and explanation of the terminology, i.e. what is directly incurred, directly allocated, estates, indirect costs, and exceptional items.

For more information and assistance with costing your external research or knowledge exchange application, please contact your RKEO Funding Development Officer.

Early Intervention in Eating Disorders Conference

Bournemmouth University  and Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust have organised an ‘Early Intervention in Eating Disorders Conference.

Event Date: 10 May 2017
Time: 9:00-16:00
Venue: 2nd floor of the Executive Business Centre (EBC), Lansdowne Campus, Bournemouth University, BH8 8EB

The event has a host of speakers and workshops.  If you are interested in seeing the conference agenda and booking on to the event then please click here.

14:Live Presents- Festival Fear of Missing Out (FoMO): What is it and how can you manage it?


Come along on 21 March at 2-3pm on Floor 5, Student Centre on Talbot Campus for the March edition of 14:Live.

Spring is fast approaching and festival season is just around the corner. Over the next few months you will be subjected to intense marketing campaigns from festival promoters, such as Glastonbury, Reading and Leeds, who will be telling you not to miss out on this year’s music festivals.

Many of your friends will be sharing their excitement about going to these festivals on social media. Social media has heightened the sensation that everyone but us appears to be having fun and many people have become more sensitive to FoMO appeals.

In this 14:Live, Dr Miguel Moital will discuss the psychology of ‘Fear of Missing Out’. What emotions come with FoMO? What marketing tricks are used to heighten FoMO? How can these emotions be managed?

With drinks and snacks provided, this will be a session you won’t want to miss!

All staff and students are welcome!

Research Photography Competition- Your Winners!

Find out who you voted to be your winner of 2017’s Research Photography Competition.ResearchPhotographyCompetitionintranet1

Join us on Thursday 9 March 2017 at 2-3pm, in the Atrium Art Gallery, where Vice Chancellor John Vinney will be announcing the three winners.

The Competition is in its third year and saw 26 entries from across all faculties. The images give us just a small glimpse into some of the fantastic work our researchers are doing both here at BU and across the globe. These images will be displayed in the gallery and the researchers  will be on hand to to talk about their research and the inspiration behind their photographs.

If you would like to come along to congratulate the winners please register here. 

Staff and students are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be provided!

Last chance to reserve a place- British Academy Visit 8/3/17

british_academy_logoThe British Academy is returning to BU on 8 March 2017.  This is an invaluable opportunity to find out more about the international and domestic funding available through the organisation.  For those of you who are not familiar with the British Academy, it is the UK’s leading independent body for the humanities and social sciences, promoting funding, knowledge exchange and providing independent advice within the humanities. 

The session will last just over  1 hour (13:00-14:15) and will comprise a presentation focusing on international and domestic funding opportunities along with an overview of the British Academy, followed by a Q&A session.

Representatives of the British Academy will be available to answer any individual queries not covered in the presentation or Q&A session, and members of the Research and Knowledge Exchange Office will be on hand should you wish to discuss BU’s processes for bidding to the organisation.

Places for this event can be reserved through Organisational Development here.


Extended deadline! CFP: Psychosocial Reflections on a Half Century of Cultural Revolution

Association for Psychosocial Studies Biennial Conference

Bournemouth University, 5th- 7th April 2018



Association for Psychosocial Studies Biennial Conference

Bournemouth University, 5th-7th April 2018

‘Psychosocial Reflections on a Half Century of Cultural Revolution:

The 50th anniversary of seasons of love and protest’

Join us to reflect on revolutionary relationships and revolutionary politics which challenged authority then and which influence us now.

The cultural forces and the political movements of 1967 and 1968 aimed to change the world, and did so. Recent development of some populist and protest politics could be seen as a continuation of the revolutionary movements in the 1960s. Hedonic themes that recall the summer of love suffuse contemporary life, and self-reflection and emotional literacy have also become prominent values, linked towards human diversity and the international community.

We invite you to offer psychosocial analyses of the development and legacy today of the ‘revolutions’ in love, sex and politics. This could be via explorations of contemporary issues in politics, culture and artistic expression, or through historical studies. All proposals for papers must indicate how they address both psychological and social dimensions of their topic.


Send your abstract of 250-300 words to:

Deadline: 1st October 2017. Confirmation of acceptance: 1st November.

We welcome contributions from academics and practitioners from different fields and disciplines and very much look forward to seeing you there!